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Both of Nindy Ayunda's children miss their father, but they don't want to openly express it because they know their parents are not doing well

Both of Nindy Ayunda's children miss their father, but they don't want to openly express it because they know their parents are not doing well Nindy Ayunda © Akrom Sukarya - The husband of singer Nindy Ayunda, Askara Parasady Harsono, is currently serving a sentence for alleged drug possession and firearms. Nindy said that during Askara Parasady's detention, their two children with the initials ADH and ADPH missed their father.

"They don't dare to talk openly, but they express their longing for their father to my sister. But they don't say anything to me. They understand that we have problems, and they feel that their parents are not doing well," explained Nindy when met at Trans TV, South Jakarta, Thursday (22/4/2021).

1. Disturbed Psychological

It is not easy to maintain the psychological well-being of a child when their parents are facing problems. The 32-year-old singer admitted that there are times when her child cries and gets angry when they remember their father.

"It's not easy, my psychology is disturbed. Sometimes, it's human nature, when something comes to mind, I can cry and get angry. I have to handle everything myself, usually not alone. When I manage my psychology, I have to manage them too, there may be some misses but they are quickly fixed," she said.

2. Must Discuss with the Child

This singer of Padang descent realizes that she needs to talk about the problem with her child, especially since her eldest child already understands that their father is not at home.

"Well, slowly, that's why I often have long conversations with my child. Sometimes, before going to bed, we take photos, we talk after being punished, and then we talk again on the bed. We change the existing rhythm, just change the portion. My first child understands very well that there is no father at home," Nindy concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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