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Raffi Ahmad Chooses Darius Sinathrya as COO of Rans Cilegon FC

Raffi Ahmad Chooses Darius Sinathrya as COO of Rans Cilegon FC Raffi Ahmad and Darius Sinathrya (credit: @raffinagita1717/@darius_sinathrya) - Raffi Ahmad appointed Darius Sinathrya as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Rans Cilegon FC. Darius gladly welcomes the trust given by Raffi.

"This is a responsibility and Raffi is also my friend. Coincidentally, we both love football and seeing the enthusiasm brought by Raffi and his friends, I finally dare to accept the offer given," said Darius in Jakarta, Friday (23/4/2021).

1. First Time as COO of a Football Club

Holding the position as the COO of a football club, Darius admitted that this is his first time. However, as the husband of Dona Agnesia, he believes that he can fulfill the entrusted task given by Raffi well.

"Hopefully, I can contribute and work hard to make this team even more solid and support whatever needs the team has in preparing for the second league," said Darius.

2. Learn a Lot from Seniors

To carry out his role as COO, Darius, who has always been passionate about soccer, learns a lot from his seniors.

"Learning from anywhere and discussing with seniors, people with more experience," he said.

3. Consultation with Wife

Before accepting the position, Darius admitted to consulting with his wife. He said he wants to focus on Rans Cilegon FC.

"Dona always supports, in any condition, always supports even though there are many considerations and inputs given. Now, the focus is on how to make Rans Cilegon FC one of the strong, solid teams that can navigate Liga 2 well in the future according to the target," he said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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