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Covid-19 Pandemic Still Looms, Fachri Albar Grateful to be Able to Experience Ramadan Again

Covid-19 Pandemic Still Looms, Fachri Albar Grateful to be Able to Experience Ramadan Again Fachri Albar (Credit: - Actor Fachri Albar is grateful to be given the blessing of good health and a long life, so he can experience the moments of Ramadan again. As KLovers know, Ramadan is always a special month eagerly awaited by Muslims.

"Yes, Alhamdulillah, we've been experiencing the pandemic for over a year, but we're still given the opportunity to enjoy Ramadan, be with family, and everything goes smoothly," said Fachri Albar, interviewed in Jakarta recently.

1. No Difference

Renata Kusmanto's husband admitted that he didn't have much difficulty in fasting, despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

"I think fasting is more about personal worship, so the pandemic and other things are the same. Fasting is about our intention, having suhoor, performing prayer, and breaking the fast, so it's more about personal matters. In my opinion, I didn't feel any difference in the pandemic during Ramadan because it's about the individual's personal experience," he said.

2. Will Be Better

He also hopes that this pandemic will end soon and can take lessons from the pandemic. "Insya Allah I believe it will be better in the future," concluded Fachri Albar briefly.

Pandemic should not be a hindrance to continue fasting. Besides that, make sure to always #IngatPesanIbu. Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds and maintain distance. Hopefully KLovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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