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Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, Delia Septianti Releases Single 'Syukuri'

Coinciding with the month of Ramadan, Delia Septianti Releases Single 'Syukuri' Delia (credit: Purwanto) - During the month of Ramadan, it is not uncommon for some musicians to release religious albums. Singer Delia Septianti did the same. Yes, on April 21, 2021, Delia released a new single titled Syukuri at Pondok Rangi Resto, Central Jakarta.

The song Syukuri was written by Gio Wibowo. As the title suggests, this song has a deep meaning about how we as human beings should be grateful for what God has given us.

1. Delia's Desire

This song is Delia's first song about life, which is one of her goals to be useful and spread goodness to others.

The process was short, approximately only one month. And it was released immediately because it coincided with the month of Ramadan. Delia self-produced this song.

2. Message Delivered

Delia hopes that the message from this song can reach the hearts of everyone who hears it, so they can continue to be grateful in life and not complain.

"I hope that this song is not only accepted, but also that its lyrics, which are the message of this song, can be deeply felt by the listeners," said Delia.

The music video can already be seen on Delia Septianti's YouTube channel and can be enjoyed on various music applications such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, etc.

3. #RememberMother'sMessage

Observing Ramadan fasting during a pandemic situation requires us to take better care of our physical health. And not only that, to protect ourselves from exposure to Covid-19, we must always #RememberMother'sMessage. Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, and maintain distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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