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Financial Instability Due to the Pandemic, Samuel Rizal Shifts to Become a YouTuber?

Financial Instability Due to the Pandemic, Samuel Rizal Shifts to Become a YouTuber? Samuel Rizal (credit: Santoso) - Actor and basketball player Samuel Rizal apparently also feels the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the things he feels is the unstable financial condition. When met in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, on Friday night (23/4), Samuel Rizal wasn't too concerned about it.

"Well, everyone is affected. But I don't worry about 'this and that', I believe that if I do positive and good things, I will be provided for. So, from March to June, there was no work, just staying at home during the critical period of the pandemic. After June, it was okay, and onwards from October, it was good," said Samuel Rizal.

1. Becoming a Youtuber

Samuel Rizal also said that he is not too picky about the jobs offered to him. Now Samuel is also starting to venture into activities as a Youtuber.

"I've always been in the middle, I'm not too idealistic and not like that. I still have a path in my career. I play basketball content on YouTube, but not full-time, I fill the content with my child and my friends who play basketball," he said.

2. The Wisdom of the Pandemic

Although there are many negatives caused by the pandemic, Samuel feels that there is also a positive thing he gained from this difficult situation. That is an increased activity as a Youtuber.

"Well, during the corona era, it's boring and dull. Previously, I wanted to create content but I was busy with other projects, maybe the positive side of the Covid 19 pandemic is that I became a Youtuber. Hopefully, I can still compete in basketball and continue my career in entertainment," said Samuel.

"As long as I'm strong, I will do it to the best of my ability. I still have regular training and competition with basketball athletes. It's not just for fun," he added.

3. Pandemic Soon Ends

Everyone hopes that the Covid-19 pandemic can soon end. Various efforts are being made to reduce the spread of Covid. Let's help by always #RememberMother'sMessage during activities. Wear a mask, wash hands frequently, maintain distance, and avoid crowds.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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