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Calling Husband's Voice is from God and Requiring Aurel Hermansyah to Obey, Atta Halilintar Condemned by the National Commission on Violence Against Women

Calling Husband's Voice is from God and Requiring Aurel Hermansyah to Obey, Atta Halilintar Condemned by the National Commission on Violence Against Women Atta Halilintar © Herdianto - A wave of happiness is currently surrounding the couple Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah. The couple even just went on their honeymoon in Bali last Wednesday (7/4). Amidst all of that, there is controversy over Atta's statement that has been circulating on Youtube.

Yes, the statement was recorded on the Youtube channel The Hermansyah A6 in February 2021. At that time, Atta explained his views on marriage. According to him, permission and the husband's voice are from God.

1. Voice from God

"There is a principle in my life that goes like this. For example, when I am married, I become the head of the family, not like when we were engaged. The husband's permission, the husband's voice is from God," said Atta.

Not only that, he also asked Aurel to obey because his life has been entrusted to Atta.

"So if I don't give permission for this, this, this, you have to obey, you can't be like before because your life has been entrusted, the man is responsible for you," continued the 26-year-old YouTuber.

2. Perpetuating Patriarchy

Atta's statement apparently sparked criticism from the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan). As reported by, they stated that Atta has used his family as a means to perpetuate patriarchy.

"Komnas Perempuan is certainly concerned and disappointed with Atta Halilintar's patriarchal statement and the use of marriage or family as a means to perpetuate forms of gender injustice," said Komnas Perempuan Commissioner, Siti Aminah, on Wednesday (7/4/2021).

3. Gender Injustice

Not only that, Siti also stated that Atta's statement is a form of gender injustice because everything is determined by the husband.

"The perpetuated form of gender injustice is subordination, where women are considered as non-decision makers, but determined by the husband. Women who are wives lose their rights to participate in determining or deciding what kind of household will be built," she said, as quoted from the same source.

4. Child Factory?

In addition, Siti also highlighted Atta's statement of wanting to have 15 children. According to her, this desire considers women as mere 'child factories'.

"For example, the desire to have 15 children, has this been agreed upon? Women cannot be positioned as 'child factories' only, women have the right to determine when, how many children, and the spacing between each child in marriage," added Siti.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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