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Celebrate 2nd Wedding Anniversary, Ammar Zoni Surprises His Wife in the Alley

Celebrate 2nd Wedding Anniversary, Ammar Zoni Surprises His Wife in the Alley Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella (Credit: - Celebrity couple Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella recently celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary on February 17, 2021. Ammar is happy that his marriage with Iris Bella has entered its second year. What makes him even happier is the presence of their first child, Air Rumi Akbar 1453.

"It's fun. It feels like we've only been married for two years," said Ammar Zoni on Trans TV, South Jakarta, Monday (8/3/2021).

"It feels like we just got married and had a child yesterday. Now, 'oh, it's already been two years'," added Irish Bella.

1. Near the Alley

Interestingly, on their wedding anniversary, Ammar Zoni actually surprised his wife with a very simple surprise. He surprised her in an alley near their house.

"So, I was told that on anniversaries, people usually go for something luxurious. But for me, simplicity is what matters on anniversaries. Because luxury is only in the eyes. It's actually simplicity that becomes luxurious and very special when both of us truly love each other as we are, not something that is set," said Ammar Zoni.

2. Simplicity is the Foundation

"So that's what I emphasize to Irish, simplicity is the foundation. Because this is me as I am, I accept you as you are and you accept me as I am," said Ammar Zoni.

Ammar Zoni has experienced many changes after officially getting married and becoming a father.

3. Changing Life

"Changing life is for sure, the usual patterns that were done when I was single are never done again. Like staying up all night, rarely going home, now I have to go home every day," Ammar Zoni concluded.

Happy moments indeed continue to roll even when the pandemic strikes. However, always make sure to #RememberMother'sMessage. Wash your hands regularly, always wear a mask, and keep your distance.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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