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Celebrate 40th Birthday in Raja Ampat, Nirina Zubir: Absolutely the Right Decision

Celebrate 40th Birthday in Raja Ampat, Nirina Zubir: Absolutely the Right Decision Nirina Zubir © Akrom Sukarya - Nirina Zubir, who was born on March 12, 2020, chose a special place to welcome and celebrate her 40th birthday. Together with her husband and two children, this actress and presenter spent time together in Raja Ampat, also known as the Caribbean of Papua.

This historic transition moment in Nirina Zubir's life was captured in an Instagram post. In the post made on her birthday, Nirina expressed gratitude for reaching this new stage of life.

"Grateful to reach 40. Yes, I'm 40. Just like the music in my life, TOP 40. Please pray for me, friends, so that I can live this forties as best and as happily as possible," Nirina said in the caption.


1. Right Decision

Celebrating a birthday in Raja Ampat feels very special for Nirina because visiting the popular tourist destination is one of her dreams. This age change marks a new beginning for Nirina to start the excitement of life.

"Forty in Raja Ampat is definitely the right decision. I love it and they say life started at 40. So, thank you for the wishes and let's start the exciting life again, yey!"

2. Congratulations from Ringgo Agus Rahman

Ringgo Agus Rahman who is involved in the same film project, KELUARGA CEMARA, also celebrated Nirina's special day. Ringgo, who played the character 'Father', congratulated Nirina, the 'Mother', who is currently separated from him, through an Instagram post.

Not only a good colleague, Nirina is also an amazing sister to Ringgo. Nirina, who loves adventure, always manages to surprise Ringgo, like when she traveled from Jakarta to Bali by bicycle.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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