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Chico Hakim's Wife Passed Away, Chico Hakim: Goodbye My Love

Chico Hakim's Wife Passed Away, Chico Hakim: Goodbye My Love Chico Hakim - Citra Soeroso (credit: - Sad news came from Chico Hakim. His beloved wife, Citra Soeroso, passed away this afternoon (14/7). The news was shared by Sabria Kono through her Instagram post a few hours ago.

"Innalillahi Wa inna Illaihi Roji'un. Goodbye @citrasoeroso, you are a beautiful and kind woman, Insya Allah you will be a resident of heaven, aamiin ya Allah. My deepest condolences to Mas @chicohakim and the extended family, from me and @riofebrian25," she wrote.

The sudden departure of Citra Soeroso has left Sabria in disbelief. They were recently in communication and even had plans to meet.

1. Last Communication

"I still can't believe hearing the sad news this morning. On June 12th, you were still messaging me from Jogja and asking about places. We wanted to meet up but couldn't yet," said Rio Febrian's wife.

"A few days later, there was no news, then I found out you were in the hospital. And you asked me to pray for your speedy recovery. July 3rd, that was our last chat. Rest in Love dearest @citrasoeroso. U'll be missed," Sabria Kono reminisced.

2. Chico Hakim's Grief

Chico Hakim's personal Instagram was also flooded with condolences. In his IG story post, Chico Hakim was seen performing the funeral prayer for his wife. He looked devastated. His sadness was clearly visible on his face.

"Farewell, my beloved. May Allah love her, forgive her," that's the caption written in the post. extends condolences for the passing of Citra Soeroso. Farewell, may she be given the best place by His side.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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