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Positive Covid-19, This is the Chronology of the Death of Singer Neneng Anjarwati

Positive Covid-19, This is the Chronology of the Death of Singer Neneng Anjarwati Neneng Anjarwati (credit: - The dangdut world is currently mourning. Singer Neneng Anjarwati passed away on Wednesday (14/7). When initially confirmed, the family did not want to disclose the chronology of Neneng's death. After the burial, Neneng Anjarwati's youngest son, Daviz Anugrah, finally spoke up.

Daviz said that two weeks before his mother's death, he and Neneng were tested positive for Covid-19. While Daviz slowly recovered, Neneng Anjarwati's condition worsened due to unstable oxygen saturation.

"Two weeks ago, both my mother and I had a fever. I recovered on the third day, but my mother's condition continued to deteriorate. We both tested positive and underwent self-isolation. The next day, my mother's oxygen saturation became unstable and kept decreasing," said Daviz Anugrah when interviewed at the funeral home in Malaka Residance, East Jakarta, on Wednesday (14/7).


1. Isolation at Home

Daviz recounted that he and his family initially tried to improve Neneng Anjarwati's condition by undergoing self-isolation. However, as it became increasingly impossible to isolate at home, Neneng was then taken to the hospital.

"Initially, we forced her to do self-isolation with inadequate equipment, and eventually we took her to RS Pondok Labu. There, she was treated at the emergency room, then moved to an isolation room, and ultimately to the ICU, where her need for two bags of blood plasma type B+ was checked," he said.


2. God Has Another Plan

Neneng Anjarwati's family had difficulty obtaining enough blood plasma to meet her needs. However, when they finally obtained the plasma, it turned out that God had another plan, and Neneng Anjarwati passed away.

"Even though we got a nurse who said we still didn't have enough, we tried to find the blood type but it was difficult. We were supposed to get the blood test results today, but God had a different plan," explained Daviz.

"Mom has been called, what can we do? We have tried our best, going back and forth to hospitals, to PMI. Maybe it's time, we don't know, we have tried," Daviz continued, sobbing.


3. Inherited Diseases

The late Neneng Anjarwati's son also revealed that his mother had inherited diseases. The history of diabetes and gout worsened Neneng's condition.

"(She has) diabetes, and if it's a mild case of Covid, it might be possible to recover because she doesn't have any serious underlying diseases. But my mom has acute gout and diabetes, so her immune system is really weak," said Daviz.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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11 Portraits of Daviz, the Youngest Son of the Late Neneng Anjarwati, Who is Prayed to Join the Navy, Has a Tall and Handsome Posture - Multitalented, Can Play Music and Achieved in Sports

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