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Cinta Laura Reveals the Viral Phrase 'Becek Ga Ada Ojek' that Made Her Frustrated

Cinta Laura Reveals the Viral Phrase 'Becek Ga Ada Ojek' that Made Her Frustrated Cinta Laura © Santoso - Cinta Laura started her career in the entertainment industry in her teenage years. At that time, Cinta, who was only 13 years old, made her debut in one of the soap operas that made her name famous.

Her sudden popularity confused Cinta Laura a little bit. At her young age, Cinta was not yet ready for the title of 'famous person' bestowed upon her.

"When I first became an artist, when people first called me a famous person, maybe I wasn't ready yet, maybe I didn't understand my own identity, and I also try to find myself," said Cinta Laura as quoted from Deddy Corbuzier's Podcast, Wednesday (11/3).

1. Frustrated Because It Was Muddy and There Was No Motorcycle Taxi

Cinta Laura's name became more well-known since one of the sentences she uttered in a soap opera suddenly went viral. With her thick English accent, the sentence "becek nggak ada ojek" (muddy and there was no motorcycle taxi) suddenly became popular.

However, this actually made Cinta Laura sad. She even felt frustrated because of it.

"And when the slogan or jargon (becek) came out and went viral, it actually made me very angry, sad, and frustrated. Why? Because first of all, it is something taken from a soap opera that I don't know how it came about, someone took it, remixed it, made music out of it, and finally it became that jargon," said the German-blooded woman.

2. Cinta Laura Thinks Many People Are Mocking Her

Cinta Laura herself has reasons why she became angry and frustrated with that jargon. Many accused her of creating the jargon and the song, even though she didn't at all.

She also believes that the people who made the jargon go viral and eventually turned it into a song were only mocking her.

"But at that time, I was still a very young teenager, 13 years old. I didn't understand it. In my opinion, people like that just want to mock me. People are trying to make me look bad," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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