Comedian Sapri Pantun passed away after several days of treatment at Sari Asih Hospital, Ciledug Tangerang. Melaney Ricardo is one of the celebrities who feels a great loss.
What is the story about Sapri? Read more here.
Celebrity Death
Comedian Sapri Pantun passed away after several days of treatment at Sari Asih Hospital, Ciledug Tangerang. Melaney Ricardo is one of the celebrities who feels a great loss.
What is the story about Sapri? Read more here.
In the eyes of friends, Sapri Pantun is one of the humorous comedians when on location shooting. Not only that, the skilled pantun comedian is also one hardworking artist.
"So I've known Sapri for ten years now. From many programs, one of them is well-known by many friends, in the afternoon. But before that, we also had a program on the same TV. So I've known Sapri for quite a long time, know how his struggle is. He didn't start from being well-off or abundant. So I know very well that he is a fighter," said Melaney Ricardo, Sapri Pantun's friend on Trans TV, South Jakarta.
Melaney Ricardo has so many memories with Sapri Pantun. The 41-year-old artist still remembers vividly when she worked with Sapri Pantun. There is one incident that Melaney Ricardo still remembers when shooting with Sapri Pantun.
"I remember very well, I once shot outside, the artists went home by car, but Sapri was still riding a motorcycle. So from the first spot, we moved to the second shooting location. The other children had already left, but Sapri took a long time, turns out he got caught in the rain," he said.
"Because the others used cars, they were covered, but he got caught in the rain. Then I said, 'Pri, be patient, your career will slowly rise,' 'yes, bu Melaney, I will definitely buy a car later.' Slowly, in the evening show, then he bought a car but it didn't have AC yet, he said. Then 'Alhamdulillah bu Melaney, now I have bought a car,'" Melaney continued.
Lastly, Melaney Ricardo met Sapri Pantun when she became a guest star on a television show. At that time, Sapri Pantun was still fit and there were no signs that he was sick. During the meeting, Sapri told Melaney Ricardo that the bald-headed comedian had a food business.
"Last time I met him at the Kopi Viral event, he had a food or drink business. Well, there was no indication that Sapri was sick, none at all. So I knew when his blood sugar was that high, honestly I was very surprised," said Melaney.
Before passing away, Sapri Pantun underwent treatment in the ICU room of Sari Asing Ciledug Tangerang Hospital because his blood sugar was high. Melaney admitted that she was informed by her friend, Opie Kumis, that Sapri was in a sick condition.
"From Opie, if I'm not mistaken, yesterday I was shooting with Opie, talking. This is also a lesson for us, meaning to check. Sometimes when we work, our eating schedules get messed up. The lesson is that we have to take care of our bodies," concluded Melaney Ricardo.
Sapri Pantun passed away after receiving treatment at the hospital. Read more here.
Ustaz Tengku Zulkarnain has been hospitalized since May 2nd.
In the past few days, Bang Sapri has been undergoing intensive treatment at the Hospital.
Zuriel Paris Jedidiah Panggabean was initially in disbelief when his mother, Joanna Alexandra, informed him of the passing of his father, Raditya Oloan.
Ello attended the funeral event for the death of Raditya Oloan, Joanna Alexandra's husband, held at Sentosa Funeral Home, RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta.
Ello, who attended the memorial event held at Rumah Duka Sentosa, Senen area, Central Jakarta, revealed how he saw Raditya Oloan during his lifetime.
Raditya Oloan's family, husband of actress Joanna Alexandra, held a press conference at Sentosa Funeral Home RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta. This is the chronology of Raditya Oloan's death.
Joanna Alexandra's resilience from the beginning of her marriage until her husband's passing.
Let's take a look at Joanna Alexandra's photos accompanying her husband's body for the last time!
The news was confirmed directly by Augie Fantinus.
Raditya Oloan is also a co-founder of Love Academy, an online-based non-formal school.
Raditya Oloan then changed his mindset from coming home immediately to recovering quickly.