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Darius Sinathrya Calls His Father's Recovery a Miracle

Darius Sinathrya Calls His Father's Recovery a Miracle Darius Sinathrya and his father © - Happy news comes from the family of actor and presenter Darius Sinathrya. His father, Pudjono S Kartoprawiro, who was previously in critical condition due to complications from various illnesses, is now showing positive developments and is improving.

"He is getting better and just this afternoon I received news that he will be tested again tomorrow for everything. If everything is okay, he might be allowed to go home in a few days," said Darius when met in the Senayan area, Central Jakarta, on Monday (3/3/2025).

Darius revealed that his father's condition had been at a very worrying point. During a week in the ICU, his father was unconscious and unable to communicate.

"Seeing the initial condition when he was admitted was really bad and he was indeed in a very critical position. A week in the ICU and he was unconscious, unable to communicate," said Darius.

1. Worrying Critical Condition

According to him, the complications experienced by his father are quite severe and require a long time for recovery. This condition began with heart failure, which then affected other organs, such as the lungs, kidneys, and ultimately led to a second stroke.

"Wow, the complications are because almost all organs are involved. But perhaps the trigger is heart failure. From there, it spread to the lungs, then to the kidneys, and there was also a second stroke attack. So it's quite a lot," he explained.

Darius admitted that he went through a difficult moment with his siblings when discussing decisions regarding their father's condition. They even thought about being resigned if they had to accept the worst.

"Honestly, there was one moment when I and my older brother and sister talked, 'well, if it's time, we have to accept it, we have to be sincere.' That was the hardest moment," added Darius.

2. The Struggle and Support of Family

However, the prayers from family and loved ones brought new hope. Thanks to that support, Darius's father's condition slowly improved, something he referred to as a miracle.

"Thank God many people prayed, many loved ones, and finally, a miracle happened. The condition is getting better," he said gratefully.

Darius and his family now hope that his father will fully recover and be able to resume his activities as before.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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