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The Buzz: D'Masiv Band Buys Naming Rights for Transjakarta Petukangan Stop

The Buzz: D'Masiv Band Buys Naming Rights for Transjakarta Petukangan Stop D Masiv © - The legendary band D'Masiv now has a TransJakarta stop named after them. Yes, starting March 1, 2025, the Petukangan Utara Stop in South Jakarta will officially change its name to Petukangan D'Masiv Stop. This step is taken as part of D'Masiv's 22nd anniversary celebration, announced by Ryan Ekky Pradipta, the vocalist of D'Masiv.

Through a social media post, Ryan showed a screenshot of the TransJakarta transportation route map displaying the new stop name. Initially, this post was thought to be edited, but it turns out that D'Masiv has officially purchased the naming rights for the Petukangan Utara stop on the TransJakarta route.

1. A Different Birthday Celebration

The 22nd birthday celebration of D'Masiv this time is indeed very special. Instead of just celebrating with a concert or a regular event, they chose a unique step by purchasing the naming rights of a bus stop.

Through his posts on X and Instagram, Ryan announced this name purchase jokingly. "22 years D'MASIV bought a bus stop @PT_Transjakarta makes more sense than waiting for MU to win #22tahunDMASIV #haltepetukanganDMASIV #ciledugpride," he wrote on X @RianEkkyP.

2. Petukangan Utara Bus Stop

The stop located on Jalan Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan was previously known as Halte Petukangan Utara and was also once named Halte Budi Luhur. Through a post on X, the account TFJakarta announced this change with humor similar to Rian.

"Even though the Kreo traffic jams often leave us in disarray, confused, and powerless, don't give up on corridor 13, friends," the account wrote.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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