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Sonny Septian Reveals His Happiness Because His Child Memorized the Quran Without Coercion, There is a Recitation Schedule

Sonny Septian Reveals His Happiness Because His Child Memorized the Quran Without Coercion, There is a Recitation Schedule - Sonny Septian and his wife, Fairuz A Rafiq, feel immense happiness because their children successfully memorized the Quran without any coercion. In an interview, Sonny expressed how proud they are to see their children developing a love for the Quran naturally.

"Masyaallah, this happiness cannot be exchanged for anything when you see your child so eager to memorize the Quran. It means that what Fairuz and I have conveyed to them has not been forced," said Sonny Septian on Rumpi, which was viewed on the TRANS TV Official YouTube channel.

1. Create a Quran Study Schedule

Sonny and Fairuz have set up a Quran study schedule for their children to remain consistent in their learning. They believe that this non-coercive approach helps the children enjoy the learning process more and better understand the values contained in the Quran.

"Usually, before the children leave for school in the morning, they do their recitation first. I usually remind Abang Faaz, while Eijaz is still a bit hesitant because he is still young. For Maghrib, usually, Abang Faaz and his mom will do the recitation together," explained Sonny Septian.

"Typically, we have Quran study three times a week. Instead of just playing on their phones during the weekend, we mix it with Quran study, and thank God they never complain," he continued.


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