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Delete Ayus Sabyan's Memory Photos from Instagram, Ririe Fairus: Just Cleaning Up

Delete Ayus Sabyan's Memory Photos from Instagram, Ririe Fairus: Just Cleaning Up Ririe Fairus ©®/Bayu Herdianto - The divorce trial between Ririe Fairus and Ayus Sabyan is still ongoing. Ririe expressed her disappointment because Ayus once again did not attend the court session, causing her lawsuit to be postponed again.

Determined to separate and forget the name Ayus Sabyan from her life, Ririe Fairus decided to delete their memory photos on Instagram. Yup, from her page, you can no longer find their intimate portraits as a couple.

1. Just Want to Clean Up

When asked about the reason behind her decision to delete Ayus' photos, Ririe Fairus gave a brief answer. This mother of two admitted that she only wanted to clean up her Instagram feed.

"It's okay, just cleaning up," said Ririe Fairus when met at the North Jakarta Religious Court today, Wednesday (17/3).

2. Still Leaving Photos of Ayus with Children

However, Ririe admitted that she did not delete all the memories with Ayus. She still left a few, which are photos of Ayus with their child. "There are still many photos on IG," Ririe said as she left the crowd of journalists.

As it is known, Ayus and Nissa Sabyan are rumored to be involved in a forbidden love affair. As a result, Ririe filed for divorce at the North Jakarta Religious Court and the trial is still ongoing.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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