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Delete Wedding Photos, 8 Shots of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Often Showcasing a Luxurious Lifestyle - Often Receives Princess Treatment

Delete Wedding Photos, 8 Shots of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Often Showcasing a Luxurious Lifestyle - Often Receives Princess Treatment

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Delete Wedding Photos, 8 Shots of Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis Often Showcasing a Luxurious Lifestyle - Often Receives Princess Treatment

After disappearing, now Sandra Dewi's IG is visible again. However, there are many posts that have disappeared, one of which is the moment together with Harvey Moeis, including their wedding moment.

On the other hand, the couple's togetherness often receives attention because they frequently showcase their luxurious lifestyle.


The corruption case involving Harvey Moeis has drawn sharp scrutiny from netizens for this couple.


After Harvey Moeis was named a suspect and must serve a 6.5-year prison sentence.


Interestingly, the punishment received by Sandra Dewi's husband has sparked a lot of pros and cons considering the case caused the state a loss of around Rp 300 trillion.


On the other hand, Sandra Dewi is slowly starting to become active on social media again after the major corruption case that ensnared her husband.


However, there are no longer any posts showing Sandra together with her husband, including their wedding photo.


This moment has elicited a variety of reactions from netizens. Nevertheless, there has been no official response from Sandra Dewi regarding the disappearance of photos with her husband.


It is known that they often appear affectionate, united, and frequently showcase a luxurious lifestyle.


It is not uncommon for Sandra Dewi to receive princess treatment from her husband. Just mention her phenomenal wedding and the luxury Rolls-Royce car gift that is now seized by investigators.