Kapanlagi.com - Rizal Djibran denies all of Sara's allegations regarding sexual misconduct. Moreover, he dares to swear on the holy book of Al Quran that the accusations are completely false.
In the accusations made by his ex-wife, Rizal Djibran is said to have engaged in sexual misconduct. Not only that, Sarah also mentioned that Rizal Djibran has another woman because he rarely comes home, and when he does come home, it's always late at night and he's drunk.
"The main point is that from all the series of problems, there was another conflict when I came home. I was exhausted but accused of having an affair. Finally, I decided to leave home for the third time," said Rizal Djibran when met in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Thursday (3/8/2023).
1. No Expert Witness Testimony

©KapanLagi.com/Budy Santoso
Regarding the sexual misconduct, there is no valid expert witness testimony presented as evidence. As for the analogy of the door and the window, Rizal does not deny it but says it was a request from Sarah.
"For example, there was news that I read, there was a door, why should we go through the window, something like that. But it turns out that when I went to the doctor in Surabaya, I was diagnosed with a very dangerous factor X infection, where the door couldn't be opened," said Rizal.
"He himself was aware that the doctor stated that for 6 months to a year, he should temporarily fast, that was the doctor's advice, but maybe at that time he had good intentions or still cared for R, so we used other variations," continued Rizal.
2. Denies Coming Home Late While Drunk

©KapanLagi.com/Budy Santoso
And finally, about frequently coming home late while drunk, Rizal also denies this. On the other hand, he is confused as to why such assumptions are made.
"I come home with red eyes, tired from using public transportation, if there were indications of being drunk, there would be evidence of me staggering, but there is none, I'm just tired, exhausted," he concluded.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.