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Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

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Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

Famous lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, asks Raffi Ahmad to disclose his sources of income. This is to refute the allegations made by the National Corruption Watch (NCW) regarding the suspicion of Money Laundering (TPPU) received by the father of two. 

What is Hotman Paris Hutapea's denial? Check it out here!


One of the things Hotman asked Raffi about is his shooting fee on television. Initially, Raffi was reluctant to disclose the amount he receives in a day for shooting. 


"No, it's not like that," said Raffi Ahmad when met in the area of Jalan Kapten Tendean, Mampang, South Jakarta, Monday (5/2/2024).


However, because he felt it was necessary to clarify various baseless accusations, Raffi finally chose to reveal it. For an hour of shooting, Raffi can be paid up to Rp50 million.

Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

"On average, between Rp25 million to Rp50 million for one appearance on TV?," Hotman asked Raffi. Yes, for an hour," answered the father of two children, confirming it.


Raffi himself mentioned that for every job he takes on, he never sets a specific price for shooting. In fact, sometimes Raffi gives a discount to clients who are just starting to work with him.


"If I become an artist, the numbers are flexible. For example, my usual fee is this much, then someone offers but asks for a little discount, it's okay, I'll give a discount. If next month continues to be good, then it will be returned to the normal price," explained Raffi.


Interestingly, Hotman even calculated Raffi's income from fees earned in a month. If the calculation is correct, Raffi, who participates in 3 programs in a day, can earn billions of money.


"For example, three programs multiplied by Rp50 million, that's already Rp150 million per day. Then multiplied by 30 days, it's already Rp4.5 billion. That's just the easy part. Just calculate, how many Lamborghinis in a year," said Hotman.

Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

Raffi himself did not confirm or deny Hotman's calculation of his wealth. But indeed, Raffi has been saving since the age of 13, when he started his career until he dared to open his own business.

Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

"I have been working since I was 13 years old until now, at the age of 37, my birthday is coming up on February 17th. So I have been working for almost 25 years," said Raffi Ahmad.

Deny Involvement in Money Laundering, Hotman Paris Reveals Raffi Ahmad's Fee of Rp50 Million per Hour of Shooting

"Alhamdulillah, even though my career is like a staircase, but until now I am still trusted by TV stations, various brands, and I save," he concluded.

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