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#DiRumahAja Because of Corona, Anang Hermansyah Feels Scared Seeing Ashanty Wearing a Dress and Mask Every Day

#DiRumahAja Because of Corona, Anang Hermansyah Feels Scared Seeing Ashanty Wearing a Dress and Mask Every Day Anang Hermansyah - Ashanty. Credit: via taken on 23/3/2020 at 17.43 - Just like most people in the country, Anang Hermansyah and Ashanty also participate in the #DiRumahAja movement to prevent the spread of the corona virus. They have decided to stay at home unless there is an urgent need.

Through her Instagram account, Ashanty shared her experience about the situation at home. She also revealed her interactions with Anang Hermansyah regarding things they like and dislike while being at home.

The conversation between the husband and wife is filled with a bit of humor. Ashanty decided to share that moment as entertainment amidst the worries that are affecting the world.

1. Ashanty's Post

On Sunday (22/3) yesterday, Ashanty uploaded a photo with her husband. However, what caught attention was the caption talking about her conversation with Anang Hermansyah.

"A little entertainment, so we don't get stressed and instead feel down! This incident really happened. The conversation between me and my husband," she wrote.

2. Ashanty and Anang's Conversation

Me (Ashanty): What do you enjoy the most about staying at home and what don't you enjoy?

Husband (Anang): What about you?

Me: I enjoy being able to be together with you and the children all the time, eating together, praying together, quality time. I don't enjoy it because there are many tasks that can't be done from home, I usually work tirelessly through my iPhone, plus helping with the super difficult PR for our 4 children. What about you?

3. Funny Answer from Anang

The conversation between husband and wife continues, now Anang discusses what he likes and dislikes while staying at home.

Husband: I also enjoy quality time with you. What I don't like is that you always wear a house dress, no makeup at all, pale with just a mask every day, only shower once a day, always cooking and the smell of food, and also complaining because I help the children with their homework.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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