Shocking news comes from Thalita Latief. This beautiful girl has filed for divorce from her husband, Dennis Lyla.
The mother also spoke about the possibility of domestic violence in their relationship. What is it like?
Celebrity Divorce
Shocking news comes from Thalita Latief. This beautiful girl has filed for divorce from her husband, Dennis Lyla.
The mother also spoke about the possibility of domestic violence in their relationship. What is it like?
Thalita Latief's mother openly talked about the domestic violence experienced by her daughter during her marriage with Dennis Rizky. However, when asked directly about it, the 32-year-old woman didn't want to say much.
One of the reasons is because she doesn't want to worsen the situation with her husband. She will only reveal everything when her divorce lawsuit at the Central Jakarta Religious Court has been granted by the judge.
"The reason why, of course, friends will ask, that's for sure. I promise, after the situation calms down, there is a court decision, everything is clearer, more peaceful, I will definitely meet with journalist friends to tell the story," Thalita promised when met in the Bintaro area, Tanggerang, on Sunday (28/3).
"But what I can tell is the part that I can share with the public. There are limitations. If asked about the reasons, if there is continuous conflict, that's for sure. But a marriage cannot end just because of one or two conflicts, it's impossible. So I will always try to find a solution for every conflict that arises," she continued.
Regarding the rumors circulating about the breakdown of a decade-long marriage, Thalita simply smiles. However, she stated that her decision to divorce is final and she can no longer endure it.
"Some say there are many speculations due to economic issues, domestic violence, infidelity. What is certain is that I feel hurt both physically and emotionally, I also feel pressured. I have experienced things that a wife should not have to endure," she concluded.
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