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Dubbed Hot Mom, How Does Jessica Iskandar Respond?

Dubbed Hot Mom, How Does Jessica Iskandar Respond? Jessica Iskandar - - Since living in Bali, beautiful artist Jessica Iskandar looks even more sexy. In fact, she is so sexy that she is nicknamed hot mom by netizens. Responding to this, the artist who is familiarly called Jedar is actually happy.

"I'm already happy, if people think I'm a hot mom. Hopefully, I can inspire even though I already have children, don't let me miss out on fashion, or don't want to dress up, you know, don't want to look better," said Jessica Iskandar on Trans TV, South Jakarta, Monday (29/3/2021).


1. Maintaining Appearance

Jessica Iskandar - 33-year-old artist said that women who already have children do not mean neglecting their appearance. Because a wife must maintain her appearance to remain confident.

"Especially for those who are married, besides maintaining appearance for themselves, it's also nice to look at, to feel confident, right?" she said.


2. Adjusting to the Living Location

Jessica Iskandar -

In addition, Jessica Iskandar often posts sexy photos on her Instagram account. It doesn't mean she wants to appear sexy, but during her time in Bali, her activities are very different from those in Jakarta.

"You see, in Jakarta, usually entertainment goes in and out of buildings, in and out of studios. But in Bali, it's all outdoor, beaches, beach clubs, and the house is hot," she said.

"So sometimes I have to adjust my outfit to the location. I can't wear a shirt when I go to the pool, hahaha. If I want to swim, for example. If it's hot, I have to wear something that suits the situation. I just want to be myself, as long as I'm happy," said this mother of one.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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