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Due to Corona, Bella Shofie Cancels Fashion Show at Paris Fashion Week

Due to Corona, Bella Shofie Cancels Fashion Show at Paris Fashion Week Bella Shofie. Credit: via taken on 6/5/2020 at 21.02 - Beautiful star Bella Shofie has long expanded her wings into the fashion world. As known, she has attended fashion school to hone her skills as a designer.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing corona pandemic, Bella Shofie had to cancel her fashion show that was planned to be held during Paris Fashion Week.

1. Bella's Post

Through her personal Instagram account, Bella Shofie uploaded several photos of herself in Paris. Not alone, it seems that she is there with her husband.

However, the attention is drawn to the caption she wrote. Bella explained that her plan to hold a fashion show had to be canceled.

"This September, @bellashofie_official was supposed to have a show at Paris Fashion Week," she revealed.

2. Paris Fashion Week

However, due to the corona pandemic and unfavorable conditions, Bella's plan had to be postponed until next year.

"But because of Covid-19, everything has to be put on hold until next year. Surely, there is a wisdom behind everything that happens. God has His own scenario, and humans can only plan. Everything depends on Him," she concluded.


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