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Dul Jaelani and Tissa Biani Discuss Quarrels in a Relationship

Dul Jaelani and Tissa Biani Discuss Quarrels in a Relationship Dul Jaelani & Tissa Biani (Credit - The couple Dul Jaelani and Tissa Biani always attract the attention of netizens. They always appear affectionate and far from negative rumors. It seems that in this romantic relationship, Dul and Tissa are heading towards a serious level.

Dul Jaelani revealed that he is certain about his choice to marry young with Tissa Biani. The son of Ahmad Dhani from his marriage with Maia Estianty admitted that he is currently collecting money to make his wish come true quickly.

"If I'm not sure, why bother. Please pray for it to happen quickly," said Dul when met in the Mampang area, Jakarta, on Monday (20/6/2022).


1. Intimate Wedding Concept

For his upcoming wedding, Dul does not want to follow the trend of most celebrities who hold lavish wedding parties that are broadcasted on television.

He wants to hold an intimate wedding concept to make it more solemn and sacred.

"I want it to be private," he said.


2. Have Quarreled Before

Furthermore, during their relationship, Dul and Tissa admitted that they, like most other couples, have had quarrels.

But they consider these quarrels as a new color in a relationship.

"If we don't fight, it would be boring," said Tissa Biani, agreed by Dul Jaelani.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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