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Experiencing an Accident in Cipali, Jordi Onsu Reveals the Strangeness Felt

Experiencing an Accident in Cipali, Jordi Onsu Reveals the Strangeness Felt Jordi Onsu experienced an accident (Credit: - Unpleasant news comes from Jordi Onsu. Last Saturday (29/7), he experienced a car accident in Cipali. He reported it himself through Instagram story last Sunday (30/7). He also showed the condition of his car.

According to Ruben Onsu's younger brother, initially the car tire burst, causing him to lose control.

"At 06:16 AM, the right rear tire suddenly burst and the car immediately lost control and hit the road divider," he explained.

"Fortunately, I was driving calmly at around 85-90 km/h. The airbag did not deploy because the impact was on the sides," added Jordi.

1. There is Someone Pushing

Jordi, who was startled, also felt that someone was pushing his car from behind.

"I was in the front passenger seat. I was quite surprised because suddenly it felt like someone was pushing the car from behind, even though there was no one behind us," said Jordi.

The strangeness did not stop there, as there were a total of 3 tires that burst.

2. Accidents Often Happen

"Three tires burst at the same time. It's quite surprising, but thank God, Alhamdulillah, everyone is safe and sound. I was in shock all day yesterday," he explained.

Furthermore, Jordi mentioned that the accident happened at kilometer 162 of Cipali. One of his friends, who is from Cirebon, said that accidents often happen in that area.

"Accidents often happen in kilometer 150-165," Jordi's friend wrote.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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