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Facts about Aurel Hermansyah's Necklace that Resembles Nagita Slavina's, Its Price is Very Fantastic, Making Netizens Cringe

Facts about Aurel Hermansyah's Necklace that Resembles Nagita Slavina's, Its Price is Very Fantastic, Making Netizens Cringe Atta and Aurel: - Joy and excitement surround the couple Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah. They are now officially declared as husband and wife. Although the wedding took place on April 3rd, it seems that netizens are still focusing on the details of the marriage. One of them is the jewelry estimated to be of very high value.



1. Similar to Nagita Slavina's

The necklace worn by Aurel then became a hot topic because it looks very similar to the one worn by Nagita Slavina. This necklace is the same one that Gigi wore when she married Raffi Ahmad in 2014.



2. Aurel's Necklace Price

Netizens started speculating and became curious about the necklace worn by Aurel. The reason is that the necklace is incredibly expensive. As reported from the Instagram account @outfit_aurelhermansyah, the minimalist necklace is valued at Rp 8,000,000,000.



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