Luna Maya's residence recently gained attention because of its grandeur and luxurious view. This moment also brought attention to her partner's house.
Interestingly, Maxime Bouttier's house is far different from Luna Maya's. Curious?
Celebrity Activities
Luna Maya's residence recently gained attention because of its grandeur and luxurious view. This moment also brought attention to her partner's house.
Interestingly, Maxime Bouttier's house is far different from Luna Maya's. Curious?
Here is one corner of Maxime Bouttier's house, Luna Maya's partner, that is rarely seen.
One of the reasons why this house is interesting to discuss is its location in a narrow alley.
The alleyway also looks quite narrow. Judging from its dimensions, there is no access available for cars.
Although its access is located inside the alleyway, this house still has a fairly large dimension and a high roof.
One evidence that the house has a spacious dimension is the presence of a drum set commonly used by Maxime.
In addition, this house is also often used as a gathering place for the family. Quite big, isn't it?
In this house, there are many memories of Maxime with his late mother who recently passed away.
So here is a series of pictures of Maxiem's residence corners located inside the alley. It is far different from his lover's, isn't it?
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