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There are External Parties Appearing on TV Discussing Ria Ricis' Household, Artist Manager Dery Syaputra Gives Harsh Criticism

There are External Parties Appearing on TV Discussing Ria Ricis' Household, Artist Manager Dery Syaputra Gives Harsh Criticism Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan's Household Discussed on Television © Akrom Sukarya - Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan's household is currently in a difficult situation. Ricis is known to have filed for divorce from her husband at the South Jakarta Religious Court and the trial is underway.

During the divorce process, many parties have spoken both on television and social media. This action has received harsh criticism from artist manager named Dery Syaputra, who is also friends with both parties.

"Don't listen to other people's opinions if they are not from the parties involved. Because too many people have been invited to TV to talk about their affairs. I am very disappointed that some people go on TV and mention things that are not their personal matters," said Dery when met at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, last week.

1. Stop Discussing

Furthermore, Dery Syaputra reminds unrelated parties to stop exploiting other people's household issues. He is afraid that it might backfire if Ria Ricis or Teuku Ryan does not accept it.

"I remind netizens or people who appear on TV to clarify Ryan and Ricis' problems, please stop. Because you are only needed at that time, if you speak wrongly, it will become a boomerang. So stop discussing them, if you don't know anything, just stop," said the man who used to manage Rizky Billar.

2. Knowing Well

Dery Syaputra admits that he knows them well before Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan got married. However, he does not attempt to reveal their household issues because it is not his domain.

"I, who know them, don't speak carelessly because it is not my personal matter. If there are people talking left and right, Ricis is like this, Ryan is cheating, or anything like that, don't listen if it's not from their own mouths," he added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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