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Portrait of Celebrities over 50 Years Old who are Still Unmarried, Relaxed and Content Being Single

Portrait of Celebrities over 50 Years Old who are Still Unmarried, Relaxed and Content Being Single Portrait of Celebrities over 50 Years Old who are Still Unmarried (Credit: Instagram/thomasdjorghi/botikapanggabean/deeadnan) - The love stories of celebrities are often interesting. However, not all celebrities choose to get married and build a family, KLovers!

There are several celebrities over 50 years old who are still unmarried until now. At an age of over half a century, they appear relaxed and content being single.

So, who are the celebrities over 50 years old who are still unmarried until now? Let's find out more information below.

1. Thomas Djorghi

Thomas Djorghi became one of the celebrities over the age of 50 who is still unmarried. Born on June 12, 1969, he is now 54 years old. This actor, who has a fresh and youthful appearance, seems to still be relaxed and content being single until now.

2. Ingrid Widjanarko

Ingrid Widjanarko is one of the senior actresses who chooses to live without a partner until now. Despite being 65 years old, she still remains active in the entertainment industry, KLovers! Recently, she was chosen to star in the film THE SIMPLE WILL FROM GRANDMA.

3. Jeremy Teti

Jeremy Teti is widely known for hosting the show Liputan 6 SCTV. As a presenter and actor, he is also one of the celebrities over the age of 50 who is still unmarried. Turning 55 years old, Jeremy Teti once stated that marital status is not a guarantee of happiness. He conveyed this when he appeared on Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube channel.

4. Tika Panggabean

Singer and actress Tika Panggabean is also one of the celebrities above 50 years old who is still unmarried. Born on October 3, 1970, she is now 53 years old. As she gets older, Tika Panggabean becomes even more stunning and full of positive vibes. This can be seen from various posts she shares on Instagram.

5. Ira Koesno

Ira Koesno is a well-known presenter who is also unmarried in her 50s. On November 30, she will turn 54 years old. Although she is still single, she appears relaxed. Through various activities shared on social media, Ira Koesno seems to be enjoying her life.

6. Hedi Yunus

Celebrities over the age of 50 who are still unmarried are Hedi Yunus. This singer from Bandung has achieved success with the music group Kahitna. Born on August 24, 1968, it seems that he still enjoys being single.

7. Tyo Nugros

Former drummer of Dewa, Tyo Nugros, is also a celebrity over the age of 50 who is still unmarried. At the age of 53, he has not shown any signs of getting married. However, he is known to be in a romantic relationship with an architect named Dee Adnan.

Well, KLovers, those are some portraits of celebrities over the age of 50 who are still unmarried, enjoying their single life.



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