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Film OTW Becomes the Best-Selling Film of All Time, Romantic Portraits of 'AGAK LAEN' Cast with Their Partners

Film OTW Becomes the Best-Selling Film of All Time, Romantic Portraits of 'AGAK LAEN' Cast with Their Partners Credit: - The film AGAK LAEN is currently stealing the attention of Indonesian society. This comedy film has achieved an extraordinary record of 8 million viewers. The film AGAK LAEN is very popular, with its cast including Indra Jegel, Bene Dion, and many others. Their personal lives also attract attention. Apparently, in real life, they are very harmonious with their partners. Check out the complete portraits below.

1. The movie AGAK LAEN has truly become a topic of conversation. Released on February 1, 2024, this comedy film has already reached 8 million viewers. Will it reach 10 million viewers?

2. In the movie, the actors appear funny and always have their own antics. In real life, they are very romantic with their wives. First, there's Oki Rengga, who has a beautiful wife and always sticks close to her in various occasions.

3. Indra Jegel, who often appears on FYP TikTok and is idolized by many women, turns out to already have a wife and one daughter. Jegel and Sasqya have been married since 2018 and live happily together.

4. Arie Kriting and Indah Permatasari also star in the movie AGAK LAEN. Although they are not a couple in the movie, in real life they are always harmonious with one child.

5. Bene Dion and Naomi are also not less romantic. Among other players, Bene Dion just ended his single life in August 2023, this couple is still romantic.

6. Unlike Bene, Praz Teguh has been married since 2015. He has been blessed with two boys who are growing up.

7. Next is Mamat Alkatiri, a sweet-faced comedian from Fakfak who has just proposed to his girlfriend named Nafha Firah. This beautiful girl is known to be one of Mamat's fans. Can't wait to see them sitting at the wedding.

8. On the other hand, Boris Bokir is more secretive about his partner. Previously, Boris was known to be married and has a beautiful and grown-up daughter. Here are some moments of closeness between Boris and his daughter.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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