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7 Portraits of Beautiful Artists and Celebrities who are Close to Their Younger Brothers, Turns Out They are Handsome

7 Portraits of Beautiful Artists and Celebrities who are Close to Their Younger Brothers, Turns Out They are Handsome Portrait of Ochi Rosdiana with her younger brother (Source: TikTok/@niff2005) - The personal lives of public figures often become the center of attention, especially if they have handsome brothers who attract public attention. Many Indonesian female artists often share photos of themselves with their younger brothers.

The small age difference makes the female artists and their younger brothers always look close. Their rare appearances in the media have sparked speculation that the younger brothers of these Indonesian artists might be their boyfriends.

Interested in beautiful artists and celebrities who actually have younger brothers? Here are their portraits summarized on Thursday (14/03/2024).

1. Nadine Chandrawinata

Marcel and Mischa are Nadine Chandrawinata's siblings. Both of them are involved in the entertainment industry, and they always support each other.

2. Prilly Latuconsina

Raja Latuconsina is Prilly Latuconsina's younger brother. The age difference between them is five years, but Prilly looks the same age as her brother due to her cute body posture and youthful face.

3. Ochi Rosdiana

A while ago, Ochi shared a picture with a male person. In the picture, Ochi looks very familiar and close to the man, who turns out to be her brother, Raihan Ranggana.

Their age difference is four years, but Ochi and Raihan look harmonious with the clothes they wear. Their relationship seems full of love and warmth.

4. Tatjana Saphira

Not many people know that the beautiful actress Tatjana Saphira has a handsome younger brother named Tobias Thariq Hartmann. This is not surprising, considering that Tobias does not follow in his successful sister's footsteps in the entertainment industry.

5. Amanda Rawles

Amanda Rawles' younger brother, named Aiden Rawles, is widely known among netizens for his captivating charm, which is no less attractive than his sister's. His mixed-race face attracts the attention of many people. The closeness between Amanda and her brother is often seen through their personal social media accounts.

6. Febby Rastanty

Rizky Rizaldi Ronaldo, Febby Rastanty's younger brother, rarely appears in public. He is also an alumnus of the University of Indonesia, like his sister. Many mistakenly assume that he is Febby Rastanty's boyfriend because he is rarely seen.

7. Angela Gilsha

The beautiful artist Angela Gilsha apparently also has a younger brother named Marco Panari. This handsome young man has attracted a lot of attention because of his fair skin and good-looking face. Although he has not started a career in the entertainment industry, Marco Panari has shown an interest in the world of music.

8. What Makes a Good Sibling Relationship?

A good sibling relationship includes loving and respecting each other.

9. Does Prilly Have Siblings?

Prilly has a sibling named Raja Latuconsina. This younger sibling of Prilly Latuconsina has a very different interest from her older sister. While her sister is involved in the entertainment world, Raja is more interested in the world of sports.

10. What is Tatjana Saphira's Ancestry?

Tatjana Saphira Hartmann (born May 21, 1997), commonly known as Tatjana Saphira, is an actress, model, and singer from Jakarta, Indonesia. She is the child of Joachim Hartmann and Ade Hartmann. Although born in Jakarta, she has German blood and became an Indonesian citizen at the age of 17.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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