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Getting Criticized for Being Caught Karaoke, Tamara Tyasmara: It's Up to You Whether It Goes Viral or Not, I Don't Care

Getting Criticized for Being Caught Karaoke, Tamara Tyasmara: It's Up to You Whether It Goes Viral or Not, I Don't Care Tamara Tyasmara criticized for karaoke after 40 days of Dante's departure © Herdianto - The name Tamara Tyasmara suddenly became the center of negative attention since her only child named Raden Andante Khalif Pramudityo passed away. Everything that the 29-year-old woman does always receives negative comments from the public.

The latest incident, Tamara received a lot of criticism after a video clip showing her singing karaoke with her friends went viral. The public felt that it was inappropriate considering that Dante had just passed away forty days ago.

1. Find Entertainment to Be Happy

Tamara Tyasmara spoke out about the video uploaded by Yudha Arfandi's younger brother. She said that she followed her friends' invitation to gather because they didn't want to see her staying at home and being sad after Dante's departure.

"At first, I only went out to the police station, or for an examination, or for any purpose related to this case that I had to go out for. Now it's been forty days, my friends invited me to eat out 'Let's eat out, don't stay at home all the time, Dante is also sad to see his mom only at home'. Mr. Ustaz also said 'Don't keep mourning, it's pitiful'. So, whether I like it or not, I have to learn and try to go out and find entertainment to be happy. When I get home, it's the same (sadness)," said Tamara when met at Jeruk Purut Cemetery, South Jakarta, last Sunday.

2. It's Up to Netizens to Comment

Continuously receiving criticism on social media, Tamara Tyasmara chooses not to pay too much attention. Because only she knows everything and how to act.

"What I do, I know. So, whatever, I don't care if it goes viral or not. Anyway, I'm not doing anything wrong, it's not (karaoke) at a club, it's a restaurant," she firmly said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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