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8 Latest Portraits of Diego Michiels, Former Nikita Willy's Boyfriend, the Fierce Captain But Romantic with His Wife - Loving Children

8 Latest Portraits of Diego Michiels, Former Nikita Willy's Boyfriend, the Fierce Captain But Romantic with His Wife - Loving Children - The name Diego Michiels is no stranger in the Indonesian entertainment industry. This handsome football player is also known as Nikita Willy's ex-boyfriend. Not only Nikita Willy is happy with her small family. Diego, who was once known for his fierceness, is very romantic with his wife and loves his two children very much. Check out the complete portraits.

1. Diego Michiels' charisma as a football player is unmatched. He has a handsome face and is fierce on the field.

2. Who would have thought that Diego Michiels has changed. He has now become a loving family man.

3. In 2019, Nikita Willy's ex-boyfriend decided to marry a beautiful woman named Dhea Simatupang. Their marriage has been peaceful until now.

4. Their 5th year of marriage is even more colorful with the arrival of two children. Their daughter's name is Anceyra Aisyah Michiels and Louisa Latifah Michiels.

5. Diego is not only devoted to his wife, but also very attached to his daughter. While he may be a team captain on the field, he is a gentle father when with his child.

6. When babysitting like this, the hot daddy aura keeps radiating. Isn't he the dream father?

7. Diego Michiels is now 33 years old, but his handsome face and always ideal body shape still often receive praise from netizens. Seriously, is he already a father of two children?

8. Diego Michiels still often shares the latest updates of his life on his personal Instagram. Keep updated with the latest news about Diego and his family.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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