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El Rumi's First Experience of Striping While Fasting, Throat Often Gets Dry from Laughing

El Rumi's First Experience of Striping While Fasting, Throat Often Gets Dry from Laughing El Rumi: - This Ramadan, El Rumi admitted that he received many job offers. However, Maia Estianty's second child now chooses his entertainment career while fasting.

"It's not reducing, but I'm being selective. If the timing is right, I take it, if it doesn't fit, I don't take it," said El Rumi when met in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (13/3/2024).

The full name owner Ahmad Jalaluddin Rumi also experienced the exhaustion of shooting while fasting this year in a program called Arisan. Moreover, the comedy show often makes El Rumi laugh, resulting in a dry throat.

"This is the first time I work stripping during fasting," said Ahmad Dhani's son.

"It's quite tiring, especially shooting Arisan, because it's a comedy quiz show, we laugh a lot, honestly it's quite tough on the throat, so I try my best," continued El Rumi.

1. So the Consequence

However, El Rumi referred to it as a consequence of his work. The younger brother of Al Ghazali does not want to make the exhausting job as an excuse to cancel his fasting.

"There is no strengthening myself, for example, if work is the reason for not fasting, but this time it's full," hopes El Rumi.

2. Having a Strategy

Therefore, one of the strategies that El Rumi does to ensure his fasting is not disturbed is by taking jobs that are always indoors and close to iftar time.

"Most of the shooting is done in the studio, and at night it's more flexible, it's also nice to work while spending time, for example, shooting at 4 o'clock, the next two hours don't feel like anything," El Rumi concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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