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A Glimpse of Celine Evangelista's Kitchen, Embracing a Minimalist Concept that Makes You Feel at Home

A Glimpse of Celine Evangelista's Kitchen, Embracing a Minimalist Concept that Makes You Feel at Home Celine Evangelista Photo (Source: Instagram/@celine_evangelista) - After parting ways with Stefan William on October 18, 2021, Celine Evangelista is now taking care of her four children on her own. She enjoys life with them in a luxurious three-story house. In her daily routine, this 31-year-old woman remains busy as a television presenter. Therefore, she has to divide her time between work and taking care of her children.

Nevertheless, Celine remains active on her YouTube channel. She often uploads videos with her children while cooking in their minimalist kitchen. Despite its simplicity, the kitchen feels comfortable.

Want to see the appearance of Celine Evangelista's kitchen? Here are some pictures compiled on Wednesday (13/03/2024).

1. Embracing Minimalist Concept

When designing a kitchen, Celine embraces the minimalist idea with white and cream colors dominating. The result is a simple yet warm kitchen.

2. Modern Dining Table

The dining table and chairs with modern design are located next to the kitchen. In this room, there is also an interesting square pendant lamp.

3. Wooden Kitchen Set

This kitchen has an L-shaped design and is complete with a kitchen set dominated by brown wood color.

4. Equipped with Exhaust Fan

The facilities in Celine's kitchen also include the use of an exhaust fan that aims to remove dust and dirt particles during the cooking process.

5. Safe Furniture for Kids

A large microwave is placed in one corner of the kitchen. Considering that she has young children at home, Celine chooses to use plastic eating utensils to make it safer for them.

6. Using a Single Stove

When it comes to cooking appliances, Celine decides to rely on a single stove.

7. Spacious Appearance Despite Its Small Size

Although it has a small physical dimension, the kitchen space feels spacious due to minimal furniture. Here, Celine often creates cooking content with her children, which is then uploaded to her own YouTube channel.

8. How old is Celine?

31 years old (April 2, 1992)

9. Who is the father of Celine's first child?

Celine's marriage to Dearly Dave Sompie was held in accordance with religious guidance on February 14, 2011. From that relationship, they were blessed with the birth of a daughter named Eleeya Xaviera Sompie on Saturday, September 1, 2012.

10. How many children do Stefan William and Celine have?

Celine Evangelista has two sons from her marriage to Stefan William, an actor. Their marriage took place in 2016 and lasted for about five years. 2021 became the official year of divorce for both of them.

11. Who did Celine Evangelista marry?

Actress Celine Evangelista is known to have been married twice, namely with Dirly and Stefan William.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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