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Recycle Song 'Gak Pake Lama', Veni Nur Receives Praise from Netizens

Recycle Song 'Gak Pake Lama', Veni Nur Receives Praise from Netizens Singer Veni Nur - © Purwanto - Singer Veni Nur has released her latest work. This time, Veni performed a cover of the song Gak Pake Lama composed by Tjahjadi Djajanta and Iskak, which was previously popularized by Keke and went viral some time ago. Performing a cover of the song Gak Pake Lama, Veni admitted that it was a challenge. She performed it with a version that is very different from before.

The emotions expressed by Veni in this song clearly depict her intoxicated feelings of being in love. Veni's vocals were remixed by DJ Buncit and there is a live koplo music version. Actually, Veni didn't expect to be trusted to perform this song. Initially, she was only asked to sing this song without knowing the purpose.

After that, she was asked by the producer a completely unrelated question to the song. It seems that Veni's feelings at that time, being in love, were considered suitable by the producer to perform the song Gak Pake Lama.

"Alhamdulillah, I didn't expect it. Even though I was only asked by my producer, 'Are you in love?'" said Veni Nur.

"When you're in love, just sing this song. Then, it was immediately produced," added Veni Nur, recounting the offer from her producer.

1. Netizens Praise

The song Gak Pake Lama by Veni Nur has been released since early January 2024. The result has received positive responses from netizens. They consider this song to be very suitable to be sung by the cast of the movie MENDUNG TANPO UDAN.

"It's really good, the voice is melodious and pleasant to hear, very impressive," praised a netizen in the comment section.

"The song is satisfying to listen to, the dance is fun, and she looks beautiful. Stay healthy, Kak Veni," said another netizen. "Masya Allah, she's already beautiful and her voice is great," added another netizen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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