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Choose 'Young Marriage', Here's Naura Ayu's Career Before VS Now

Choose 'Young Marriage', Here's Naura Ayu's Career Before VS Now Actress and Singer Naura Ayu (credit: - Written by: Lily Ariani

The eldest daughter of singer Nola B3, Naura Ayu, is now growing up. Starting her career as a child singer, Naura has already made a name for herself in the entertainment industry since a young age. When her career was shining, Naura chose to get married at a young age. As seen in the photo she uploaded on Instagram, Naura Ayu is seen after performing the marriage ceremony with a man.

However, the photo turned out to be a scene from her latest series. Through the series titled SANTRI PILIHAN BUNDA, Naura expands her acting skills by choosing the role of a young wife. The series will air during Ramadan starting from March 16, 2024.

"I took on this role because I was challenged by the story. How to portray a young wife who starts off childish, naive, straightforward, and then meets Kinaan who makes her more mature, polite, wise, and more willing to accept reality. During filming, I had to maintain the consistency of Aliza's character with her different personalities," said Naura Ayu while attending the press conference for SANTRI PILIHAN BUNDA.

1. Release of Little Singer Image

Naura Ayu began her career as a child singer when she was 8 years old. Amidst the onslaught of love-themed children's songs, Naura emerged with the album Dongeng which is closely related to life stories, dreams, aspirations, and family. The album Dongeng successfully led her to win the Best Children's Album in the 2015 Indonesian Music Awards.

In 2021, Naura Ayu released the single Kisah Kasih Sayang (Story of Love and Affection). Unlike her previous songs that were specifically aimed at children, Naura began her new story as a teenage singer. Her musical style also became more mature with a love theme.

Not only delving into the world of singing, Naura Ayu is also active in the field of acting. She made her acting debut in the musical film NAURA & GENK JUARA. Through her role in the film, Naura Ayu was nominated for Best Selected Child/Teen Actor/Actress at the 2017 Maya Awards.

2. Now Becomes a Young Wife

Naura Ayu plays the character Aliza in the series SANTRI PILIHAN BUNDA. Despite coming from a religious family, Aliza turns out to have a spoiled and childish nature. Her mother then forces her to marry a student named Kinaan played by Fadi Alaydrus.

Through the series SANTRI PILIHAN BUNDA, Naura Ayu portrays a young wife character for the first time. This has become a big challenge for her. Naura even felt nervous during the wedding scene. Despite being underestimated by netizens, Naura is even more motivated to prove her acting abilities.

Naura Ayu tries her best to understand the character of Aliza. She reads the novel Santri Pilihan Bunda and watches many family-themed movies. Not only that, Naura even conducts research with the help of one of her siblings, Nakeya. Considering that the character of Aliza is the second child, Naura learns how to interact with the youngest child through this research.

3. Chemistry between Naura Ayu and Fadi Alaydrus

Portraying the character Aliza, Naura Ayu is paired with Fadi Alaydrus who plays Kinaan. Naura tries to build the best chemistry with her co-star by bonding. One of the ways she does this is by doing sleep calls with her co-star. The process of building chemistry is relatively easy because they have been paired before in the series MY NERD GIRL 2.

Like Naura, Fadi also plays a husband for the first time. While Naura reads books and watches family-themed films, Fadi Alaydrus has many discussions with his father. He also consults a married and family-oriented director, SANTRI PILIHAN BUNDA.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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