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Sibling Goals, Check out 7 Portraits of Siblings of Artists and Celebrities who are Always Compact

Sibling Goals, Check out 7 Portraits of Siblings of Artists and Celebrities who are Always Compact Portrait of Fadly Faisal with Fuji (Source: TikTok/@niff2005) - The presence of siblings, whether older or younger, is definitely something joyful. They are not only complements in life, but also able to share happiness, provide support, and enjoy quality moments together.

Several famous Indonesian celebrities also experience the same thing. They have close relationships with their beloved siblings. Although not all of their siblings are involved in the entertainment industry, some of them still maintain harmony and unity when spending time together.

Want to know more about the unity of siblings among artists and celebrities? Let's take a look at the portraits on Thursday (14/03/2024).

1. Rizky Febian

The harmony between Rizky Febian and Putri Delina is often reflected through posts on various social media platforms. Their closeness is not only seen through sharing moments, but also reflected in the form of mutual support. In fact, there is a successful collaboration in the form of a music duet by both of them.

2. Randy Martin

The harmony between Randy Martin and his sister, Audy Vanessa, often evokes envy among many internet users. Despite only a 4-year age difference, they have always been close since the beginning.

Their level of closeness is so high that netizens often mistakenly assume that Randy and Audy are in a romantic relationship.

3. Bryan Domani

The closeness between Bryan Domani and Megan Domani is like this. These siblings are both involved in the entertainment industry. Their closeness is often seen on social media platforms, so they are often considered as sibling goals.

In addition, due to their close age difference, they are also often considered as a couple.

4. Fadly Faisal

The closeness between Fuji and Fadly, who are known as two siblings who are always together in every opportunity, is beyond doubt. They are often seen as an example of a very close sibling relationship.

Their age difference is only four years, so it's not surprising that their bond is so strong and close.

5. Raffi Ahmad

When talking about Raffi Ahmad's family, the attention often focuses on the harmony within it. The closeness between Raffi and his two sisters, Nisya Ahmad and Syahnaz Sadiqah, is very noticeable.

Raffi's full support for the career development of his siblings in the entertainment world is always evident. Their closeness and harmony are also striking. Despite forming their own families, they still often gather together.

6. Axel Matthew Thomas

Valerie Thomas and Axel Matthew, two siblings bound by blood, often show their moments together on social media platforms. They are the children of senior artists, Jeremy Thomas and Ina Thomas.

With only a 2-year age difference, it's not surprising that they always appear united and are often seen as an example of a sibling relationship by internet users. Many compare Valerie and Axel Matthew's closeness to a couple who are dating.

7. Stefan William

It is rarely known that Stefan William has a younger sister named Jennifer Avery. Jennifer has the same beautiful face as her handsome brother.

His life, which is separate from the entertainment world, makes him rarely discussed in the media. However, the closeness between the siblings remains strong.

8. Are Megan Domani and Bryan Domani Siblings?

Although they often argue, Megan Domani admits that Bryan Domani is a brother who helps her a lot. She usually shares anything with her brother, and vice versa.

9. What is the Name of Raffi Ahmad's Sibling?

Raffi has two biological siblings who are already familiar in Indonesian society, namely Nisya Ahmad and Syahnaz Sadiqah.

10. How many siblings does Fuji have?

Fuji has three biological siblings, namely Fadly Faisal, Febri Andriansyah, and Frans Faisal.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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