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These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

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These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

Recently, Ashanty visited the house of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah. There, she met Ameena, her beloved granddaughter. Ashanty warned Ameena about chocolate. It is rumored that this is related to the behavior of Aaliyah Massaid. Here are the details.

These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

A while ago, Ashanty, along with Anang and their two children, visited Ameena. As usual, Ashanty brought candy for Ameena.


After being given two choices, Ameena chose the pink candy in Ashanty's hand. As known, Ameena loves to devour candies and chocolates.


On that occasion, Ashanty advised Ameena to only eat food that was left by her parents.

These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

"Ameena shouldn't eat it if it's someone else's leftover and then given to her to eat again, it's not allowed. Only eat Na's food or leftovers from mommy and daddy, okay?" Ashanty said.


Ashanty's statement sparked attention from netizens. Many remembered when Aaliyah once gave Ameena a chocolate with her bite marks.


From Atta Halilintar's Youtube upload, it was captured that Aaliyah had just arrived at Atta's house. She immediately offered a piece of chocolate to Ameena.


Ameena doesn't want to, but Aaliyah tries to offer Ameena again. This time, she bites the chocolate and makes sure it's slightly hard. The chocolate with her bite mark is then offered to Ameena.

These are 8 Moments of Aaliyah Massaid Giving Ameena a Chocolate with Bite Marks, Ashanty Warned Her

After making sure Aurel is not around, Ameena immediately bites the chocolate with Aaliyah's bite mark. Ameena is indeed forbidden to eat too much chocolate by Aurel.