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Film 'TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA' Showing in Theaters with a 17+ Rating, Director Hanung Bramantyo Removes Several Scenes

Film 'TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA' Showing in Theaters with a 17+ Rating, Director Hanung Bramantyo Removes Several Scenes Film TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA raises sensitive issues © Akrom Sukarya - After being screened at festivals and having limited screenings, the film TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA is ready to be released in all theaters starting May 22. In the regular screenings, the film by Hanung Bramantyo is given a 17+ rating, intended for viewers aged seventeen and above.

In order to obtain a 17+ rating classification from the Film Censorship Institute (LSF), Hanung removed several scenes. The cutting of these scenes is to further strengthen the message that wants to be conveyed in the film adaptation of the controversial novel titled Tuhan, Izinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur.

"After watching it again, I decided to remove several scenes. Especially the scenes that have already been seen, the message has been delivered well like this. So when there are additional scenes, it is feared that people will ask, 'Why does this need to be included?'. So there are indeed some that I have to cut, but the essence is not lost," said Hanung in a press conference at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (30/4/2024).

1. Wider Audience Age Range

Furthermore, Hanung Bramantyo explains another reason why the movie TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA is more appropriate to be classified as 17+. Apparently, it is so that the issues raised can be conveyed more widely to seventeen-year-old teenagers who are in a confused state and have trouble determining their direction.

"For regular screenings in cinemas, it is classified as seventeen years and above. Why make it seventeen so that the audience range is wider? It turns out that the cases that happened to Kiran occurred precisely during adolescence, when the victims were in an ambiguous situation, confused about where to seek guidance," explained Zaskia Adya Mecca's husband.

2. Audience Doesn't Want Stereotypical Films

The movie TUHAN, IZINKAN AKU BERDOSA starring Aghniny Haque addresses sensitive issues. However, Hanung Bramantyo, as the director, confidently believes that his film will be accepted considering that the audience's taste has changed.

"I think that during this global pandemic, the audience is being restarted, their taste is being restarted as well. And during this Eid, it really opened my eyes that the film audience in Indonesia has grown up. Not in terms of age, but in terms of their mindset. And they are reluctant to be given something stereotypical, which gives us confidence," explained Hanung.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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