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First Hearing of Nicholas Sean Putra Ahok's Report Held, Celebgram Ayu Thalia Insisted She Was Not Wrong - Wants to Fight for Her Rights

First Hearing of Nicholas Sean Putra Ahok's Report Held, Celebgram Ayu Thalia Insisted She Was Not Wrong - Wants to Fight for Her Rights Ayu Thalia appeared in the first hearing of Nicholas Sean's report (credit: Herdianto) - The trial for the alleged defamation case against Ayu Thalia by Nicholas Sean's report was held for the first time today, Tuesday (10/5/2022). Located at the North Jakarta District Court, the agenda was to read the indictment from the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

Ayu appeared wearing all black accompanied by her legal team. Meanwhile, Nicholas Sean was only represented by his legal counsel due to other commitments.

1. Ready to Face the Trial

When appearing in court, Ayu Thalia looked calm. As a good citizen, she was apparently ready to go through the trial process.

"As a good citizen, I have to face it when called. What's certain is that I'm ready," said Ayu when met while waiting for the trial schedule.

2. Fight for Women's Rights

Ayu Thalia firmly stated that she never did anything wrong. Therefore, she wants to fight for her rights as a woman.

"As a woman, I have to fight for my rights. I will fight for what's right. I don't want to be blamed for an hour, I don't want to be blamed for one or two years, because I'm not guilty," Ayu firmly said.

3. Silent Because of Privacy

Furthermore, Ayu Thalia apologized to the media crew if she seemed silent all this time. Now that the case has gone to trial, she is ready to speak out the truth.

"I also apologize to my media friends for not being able to be contacted yesterday because, honestly, I was still protecting the informant's privacy. But now that it has entered the trial, well, basically I will fight for my rights," she said firmly.

4. Chronology of the Problem

As previously known, Ayu Thalia reported Nicholas Sean to the North Jakarta Penjaringan Police Station on August 28, 2021. The woman accused Sean of pushing her out of the car and causing her to fall and get injured.

After the report was exposed by the mass media, Sean immediately became the target of public outrage. Feeling that he did not do what was accused, Sean filed a counter report on August 31, 2021 at the North Jakarta Police.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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