Kapanlagi.com - Dian Sastrowardoyo, an actress who is always successful in acting, has an interesting life story. Initially, she became famous through the film What's Up with Love in the early 2000s, but actually she started her career in the entertainment world through the selection of Gadis Sampul 1996.
In a video that was reposted on the TikTok account @empowerherworlds on May 22, 2024, Dian, who is now 42 years old, revealed that she actually started her modeling career to finance her education. However, her plan never materialized. "But I pursued a career in modeling actually to finance my education. And that never happened," she said.
A few years ago, Dian realized that she should not have pursued a career in modeling. If that had happened, maybe she wouldn't be able to create and earn as much money as she does now. Nevertheless, Dian feels grateful because she has been blessed with abundant fortune, so her dream of pursuing higher education can be achieved. She also realizes that many other people have the same desire, but are hindered by costs.
Therefore, Dian decided to use her savings to donate to children who aspire to go to school. However, her noble intention was temporarily halted because she got married and had a child.
1. Adopting Foster Children

This 42-year-old actress finally opened the Dian scholarship, where she can take in two or three foster children per year. "Finally, I opened the Dian scholarship, so my ability at that time was already there, I wanted to take in two or three foster children per year," she said.
With this, Dian hopes to help children who have a desire to go to school but are hindered by costs.
2. Sending the Child of a Cat Rice Seller to College - Construction Worker

The life story of Dian Sastrowardoyo inspires many people. She is not only successful in her acting career, but also sets an example by providing assistance to those in need.
The story continues, "I'm sending this child of a construction worker who is a top student, the child of a mother who sells cat rice, who basically only has one goal, I want to work in an office, so my mom doesn't have to sell cat rice anymore."
This TikTok post, which has received more than 6,144 likes, has garnered various reactions from internet users. Some praise her thinking for using her hard-earned money to help others.
"Imagine if all artists had the same mindset as Dian Sastro," wrote a netizen.
"Money doesn't go with you to the afterlife, my dream is the same as Dian's," another netizen added.
"MashaAllah, Dian is beautiful, her face is beautiful, her heart is beautiful, her life is truly beneficial and blessed for others," praised a netizen.
3. Decided to Convert

Previously, Dian shared the story of her spiritual journey that eventually led her to embrace Islam. It turns out, her decision to convert to Islam began with a thought-provoking question about the apocalypse, which she later received a satisfying answer to from an unnamed ustadz, as mentioned by Dian herself.
Dian Sastro was born into a Catholic family. However, throughout her life, when she reached adolescence, she began to feel restless and had questions related to spirituality and religion.
"So, when I was looking for spiritual tourism, I had very unstable questions at the age of 17," explained Dian as quoted from Daniel Mananta's YouTube video.
One of the questions that eventually led Dian to decide to embrace Islam was about the apocalypse. At that time, her mind was filled with questions about the universe created by God, but ultimately destroyed by Him.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.