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Former Colleague Embezzles Money from Fuji's Work, Legal Counsel States Fuji Suffered Losses of Over IDR 1 Billion

Former Colleague Embezzles Money from Fuji's Work, Legal Counsel States Fuji Suffered Losses of Over IDR 1 Billion fuji: - Fuji Utami or Fuji had an unpleasant experience. Her former colleague, who is also the ex-boyfriend of Thariq Halilintar, allegedly embezzled her work and caused her losses of billions of rupiah.

Not only that, the results of her several works were allegedly used by her former colleague for personal interests. Therefore, represented by her legal counsel, Fuji, who is also Vanessa Angel's sister-in-law, reported the issue to the police.

"Our client, Fuji, brought the agreement and work files that she has been working on for almost a year," said Sandy Arifin, Fuji's legal counsel when met at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday (26/5).

"But there are several nominal values that we calculated, which did not go into her account, but into someone else's account," he continued.

1. Investigating Evidence

Currently, they are still investigating the available evidence and when asked further, they are still reluctant to reveal the identity of the suspected perpetrator.

"I am currently investigating the evidence that has been presented to us. Whether the person suspected of embezzlement acted alone or with a team, I need to consult first," he said.

Furthermore, Sandy also added that Fuji suffered losses of billions of rupiah due to this incident.

"If we talk about losses, it's around one billion rupiah or slightly less," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Remember Winda Viska, the Actress Who Played Saschya in the Sitcom OB? Here are 7 of Her Latest Photos - Now Living on Bintan Island