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Frequently Posting Hot Photos on Social Media, Anya Geraldine is Always Reminded by Her Mother About the Punishment of the Grave

Frequently Posting Hot Photos on Social Media, Anya Geraldine is Always Reminded by Her Mother About the Punishment of the Grave Anya Geraldine / Credit: Instagram - anyageraldine - Anya Geraldine is one of the idols of men. In addition to having a beautiful face, this girl, born on December 15, 1995, often shares hot photos of herself on social media accounts, especially Instagram. It is not uncommon for her name to be on the trending list.

Behind that, it turns out there is a unique fact that has been revealed. Because of her photo posts, Anya is often reminded by her mother, who is known to be a religious figure. She revealed this fact herself on the WAW Entertainment Youtube channel.

"For example, after I come back from Bali and post a bikini photo or something, my mom always messages me on WhatsApp. She's really into WhatsApp. So, anything on WhatsApp. It's like she enjoys forwarding things like the torment of the grave. My mom is like that," said Anya to the guest star, Keanu GL.

1. Sent Video Lectures

Not only that, but her mother often sends religious lecture videos to Anya. Despite this fact, the girl whose real name is Nur Amalia Hayati never gets angry.

"For example, if there's a forwarded video of Ustaz Khalid Basalamah's lecture, what's the big deal about it being forwarded?" Anya said.

2. Not Restricted in Socializing

However, regarding socializing, Anya has never been prohibited or limited by her mother.

"No (prohibition). My mom doesn't know about her social life," said this 25-year-old woman.

3. Watch the Video!

Video by: WAW Entertainment


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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