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Getting Closer to the Prospective Groom, Roro Fitria Will Get Married Next Year?

Getting Closer to the Prospective Groom, Roro Fitria Will Get Married Next Year? Roro Fitria © Akrom Sukarya - After being released from prison, Roro Fitria decided to repent and deepen her religious knowledge. Not only that, the 31-year-old woman is also currently going through the process of taaruf (Islamic courtship) to get married in order to fulfill her beloved mother's wish to get married soon.

When met at the Manba'ul Huda Islamic boarding school in West Jakarta recently, the singer of the song Rindu Ibu also provided assistance to orphans who were there. She aims to ask for prayers so that all her efforts to perfect her religion can go smoothly.


1. Want to Get Married Soon

"Yes, God willing. So, the best prayers are offered by Nyai for the late father, the late mother, the third for dear brother, and now Nyai hopes to Allah to be given health, given blessed sustenance, opened extraordinary doors of sustenance, and Nyai's holy intention to get married soon," said Roro Fitria.

"May the taaruf that Nyai is currently undergoing be blessed by Allah, and even if Allah has other plans, Nyai prays to be given the best match," she added.


2. Smooth Taaruf Process

For now, Roro mentioned that the taaruf process or her introduction to her current husband-to-be is going smoothly. Although they are still getting to know each other, Roro Fitria stated that she intends to continue the relationship to the marriage stage.

"Alhamdulillah, it's going smoothly, and we are still getting to know each other, and God willing, if it is destined, our intention is to get married, as an act of worship. If he is Nyai's destined match, he won't go anywhere, and if Allah provides another path, surely the best will be given, even if it's not him," she said.


3. Getting Married in February 2022?

Furthermore, when asked about the exact date of the wedding, Roro cannot confirm it yet because she is still waiting for the conditional release process in February 2022.

"Marriage is a personal matter and should be expedited, but considering her position in the military, she must be completely free, and currently she is still in the process of conditional release, and the complete freedom will be in February 2022, so it's still a year away, so if we are blessed within this year, we will continue the relationship. Insha Allah," she concluded.


4. Remember Mother's Advice

The Covid-19 pandemic should not be a barrier for anyone to get married, including Roro Fitria. However, always remember #IngatPesanIbu. Wash your hands regularly, always wear a mask, and maintain social distance.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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