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Having a Body with Body Goals, Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Reveals Her Sports Journey

Having a Body with Body Goals, Angela Gilsha, Star of the Soap Opera 'SAMUDRA CINTA', Reveals Her Sports Journey Angela Gilsha (Credit: - The soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA continues to dominate the hearts of soap opera lovers in the country. In addition to the Bucin and Kusut couple, another figure who has attracted attention is Angela Gilsha who plays Vina, the antagonist. Wow, could Angela be your idol?

It's not wrong that Angela is idolized by many people. Because she is able to act brilliantly and make the audience fall in love. In addition, Angela is also beautiful and has a really amazing body. Apparently, she went through a long journey to have a beautiful body!

1. Since Graduating High School

It was revealed by the actress from Denpasar - Bali herself on her Instagram last Sunday (14/3). According to Angela, she has been going to the gym since graduating high school.

"I don’t follow trends, have been a gym rat since I graduated high school. It has always been one of the activities that relieves stress and fatigue. Besides that, I have always had body goals that I want to achieve," Angela wrote.

2. Just Following Movements on Youtube

At that time, she started in 2013. She still liked to follow movements on Youtube. Angela also stopped going to the gym when she moved to the capital city.

"Starting from 2013 when I didn't know anything, didn't know what to do at the gym. Just following movements from Youtube. Started liking it and continued until 2014. Stopped at the beginning of 2015 because I moved to Jakarta," she continued.

3. Stopped for 2 Years

She then stopped going to the gym for 2 years because she was very busy. In 2018, Angela started exercising again, but she still enjoyed consuming alcohol. Starting in 2019, she started living a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly.

"In 2019, I started living a healthy lifestyle, started being diligent again starting from Muay Thai, then tried F45. In 2020, I started going to the gym again and this time I already understood the movements, understood the eating patterns, nutritional intake, stopped consuming things that are harmful to the body, and finally started to see progress," added Angela.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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