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Gus Miftah Reveals Controversy and Facts of Vanessa Angel's Life

Gus Miftah Reveals Controversy and Facts of Vanessa Angel's Life Gus Miftah / Credit Photo: Personal Documentation - In recent years, the name Vanessa Angel has never been absent from the headlines of the mass media. The woman born in Jakarta on December 21, 1991, is often involved in various sensational and controversial news.

Even when married to Bibi Ardiansyah, Vanessa's life still often faces challenges. Shortly after giving birth to her first child, the star of the soap opera Cinta Intan had to deal with the law and was separated from her child.

"When I gave birth, I was immediately separated from my child. Oh, the feeling is indescribable. Suddenly, I can take care of my child until now, it makes me emotional when I see my child," said Vanessa when invited as a guest on the program Ngobrol Bareng Gus Miftah.

1. Words of Wisdom from Gus Miftah

As usual, Gus Miftah, as the host, gave wise advice to Vanessa and Bibi, who were the guests on that occasion.

"Marriage is not about thinking the same, but thinking together," he said briefly.

From controversies to Vanessa Angel's love life, the conversation heated up during the one-hour session as many facts were finally revealed about the couple's initially disapproved marriage, the ups and downs of the family's economy, and the controversial steps in Vanessa Angel's entertainment career.

Curious about Vanessa Angel's life, which has rarely been publicized? Watch Ngobrol Bareng Gus Miftah tonight, Friday (11/6) at 9:00 PM WIB only on iNews television station.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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