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Haico Van Der Veken Comeback in Movies, Will Leave Soap Operas?

Haico Van Der Veken Comeback in Movies, Will Leave Soap Operas? Haico Van Der Veken - Credit: Deki Prayoga - Haico Van Der Veken is known in the Indonesian entertainment industry since her debut in the film KAIN KAFAN HITAM. However, her name skyrocketed when she starred in the soap opera SAMUDRA CINTA.

After the soap opera ended, it was revealed that Haico would be starring in a movie set in Labuan Bajo titled NONA MANIS SAYANGE. She was interested in being involved because of the interesting story.

"I've only starred in a movie once, and that was four years ago. So when I was offered to star in a movie again, I was interested because of the story. I happened to want to try something different from soap operas," said Haico when met in Kemang, South Jakarta, last Friday (28/7/2023).

1. Following the Flow

Being involved in a movie is certainly different from being part of a soap opera. Now that Haico Van Der Veken is making a comeback in a movie, does it mean she will leave the soap opera?

"We'll see how it goes. For now, we'll just go with the flow," said the actress, who has a Belgian father.

2. Helping to Grow

Furthermore, Haico Van Der Veken does not want to be limited to her role in soap operas. Whether it's a movie or a series, as long as the story is good, she would love to be involved.

"If there's an offer for a movie or a series, anything that can help me grow and has a good story, why not take it?" said the 21-year-old actress.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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