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Hana Hanifah's Uploads Before Being Arrested for Alleged Prostitution: Haters Tend to Slander

Hana Hanifah's Uploads Before Being Arrested for Alleged Prostitution: Haters Tend to Slander Hana Hanifah's Instagram - This morning, the entertainment world is buzzing with news of the arrest of an artist with the initials HH. The actress suspected to be Hana Hanifah is detained by the Medan Police for online prostitution cases.

Before being arrested for alleged online prostitution, Hana was known to have flown from Jakarta to Medan. It is known that she went to Medan because there was a photoshoot job.


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A post shared by Hana Hanifah (@hanaaaast) on Jun 22, 2020 at 8:30 PDT

1. Haters Tend to Slander

Before being arrested, she uploaded a post through her personal Instagram account. The post sarcastically refers to someone who envies her.

"Envious people tend to hate, haters tend to slander!!" Hana wrote on her personal Instagram account.

2. Confirmed by Lawyer

Hana's lawyer, Machi Ahmad, confirms that his client is currently detained in Medan. He also expresses support for Hana, who is now in custody.

"I understand what is currently happening to my client, sister HH. Personally, as her colleague, I will support HH and believe that the allegations reported quite sensationally this morning are not true," said Machi when contacted by the media on Monday, July 13.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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