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Handsome and Pious, Here are 7 Portraits of Bryan Domani's Umrah - Making Arab Natives Envious

Handsome and Pious, Here are 7 Portraits of Bryan Domani's Umrah - Making Arab Natives Envious Portraits of Bryan Domani's Umrah (credit: - The charm of Bryan Domani successfully captures public attention with his handsome appearance and his known religious devotion. Recently, this 23-year-old actor performed the umrah pilgrimage with a group including celebrity friends.

The appearance of Bryan Domani during umrah also gained attention. This is because his girlfriend, Mawar Eva de Jongh, is said to resemble the local residents due to her mixed heritage. However, the fact is that Bryan has German and Indonesian blood from both of his parents.

Still in the Holy Land of Mecca, Bryan Domani shares his activities through social media accounts. Curious about what Bryan Domani's umrah portraits look like? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Umrah Departure

After the release of his latest film titled 172 DAYS, Bryan Domani decided to depart for Umrah to the Holy Land, Makkah. The departure of this actor born in 2000 for worship was known since November 29, 2023. In addition, Bryan departed with a group of people. This is a snapshot of Bryan's moment before going for Umrah. He wore the same uniform as the other members of the group.

2. Snapshot of Bryan Domani during Umrah

Departing to the Holy Land, Bryan Domani was seen sitting next to an ustaz named H.M Yusuf while on the plane. In addition, it can be seen that the actor, who is Megan Domani's older brother, smiled happily visiting the house of Allah.

3. Bersama Umay Shahab

In addition, there are a number of celebrity friends who joined Bryan Domani on his umrah journey. One of them is Bryan's best friend, Umay Shahab. These two young actors even captured their moments together while in the Holy Land. Like inseparable companions, Bryan and Umay always appear together. This is a portrait of Bryan Domani and his celebrity friends during umrah.

4. Wearing Jubah During Umrah

Performing the umrah pilgrimage, Bryan Domani looks charming wearing a jubah, as seen in this portrait. Seeing Bryan's appearance here reminds us of his style when playing Ameer Azzikra in the movie 172 DAYS. This is Bryan Domani's appearance that successfully attracts attention with a cream-colored jubah.

5. Don't Forget to Wear a Kufi

Bryan Domani didn't forget to wear a kufi when performing the umrah. Bryan's appearance was even called like an Ustaz by Umay Shahab. This is a picture of Bryan having a conversation with his friend during umrah. With a joking tone,

"Ustaz @bryandomani_bd is coaching clinic with @boim97 @ryuzzz_," Umay Shahab wrote in the caption @umayshahab.

6. His Handsome Face Makes People Swoon

As known, Bryan Domani often leaves fans in awe because of his handsome face. This German-blooded man has a mixed-race face like a foreigner. Since then until now, Bryan's charm always shines and often receives praises from netizens. Moreover, the fact that Bryan Domani diligently performs religious rituals further makes the public fall in love with the actor's figure.

7. Like a Native Arab

Dressed in a robe during Umrah, Bryan Domani looks like a native Arab. As seen in this picture, the moment Bryan captured his portrait in the Holy Land. With his sharp nose and handsome face resembling Middle Eastern people, Bryan Domani looks like a local resident.

That's a portrait of Bryan Domani during his Umrah pilgrimage. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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